Coming Home Program

Coming Home Program

Who is eligible?

Any woman, 16 years and older, with or without accompanying children who has been incarcerated or who is exiting the Alexander Maconochie Centre (AMC) can access this program.


Case management services are free. Rent for our accommodation is set as per Toora’s Housing Factsheet Women in our supported accommodation are eligible for rent assistance from Centrelink.

Referral process

Referrals to our Coming Home Program are accepted from Justice and Community Safety Directorate 13 22 81

Our support services to our clients include:

  • Assistance to rebuild relationships with families, children and community
  • Support with building independent living skills
  • Assistance with drug and alcohol support and trauma counselling
  • Referrals to health services and local community services
  • Assistance to pursue training, education or employment
  • Budgeting and discussing access to welfare benefits

Women exiting prison may have complex concerns ranging from social isolation, drug and alcohol use, mental health, trauma, sexual abuse, homelessness and reintegration needs.

This program is dedicated to assisting women exiting prison to reintegrate with their community, and to equip them with the skills and plans to transition from incarceration.

Clients are supported by their own case worker from intake and assessment throughout their individual journey. Toora staff ensure they receive a full wrap around service of supports needed to achieve their goals.

Our case coordinators have been professionally trained and have specialised skills in community services including managing, coordinating and delivering person-centred services to individuals.